My first short film “Guilt” was made entirely as a one man crew. I was the writer, director, producer, editor, cinematographer, sound designer and set designer. The film was made with no budget and with a very creative use of a hardware store light. It was my experiment in filmmaking and pushed my creativity to expand.
The film went on to be successfully placed in art galleries in London including the Trispace Art Gallery. It was an Official Selection for the Belfast Cinemagic Film Festival, Chicago International Film Festival, CineYouth and for the Seattle NFFTY Film Festival. It was awarded the Jury Award for Best Experimental Film in Seattle.
Writer, Director, Editor, Producer, Sound Designer, Grading, Music and Cinematography: Niall Shukla
Cast: Antonia Bourdillon, Niall Shukla

On my Instagram, I often post updates on all my films, behind the scenes, VFX breakdowns, and strange stories about how I got parts of my films made. Consider checking it out if you're interested.